Sunday, June 5, 2016

Warning: "Huge Wildfires In California Evacuations Ordered"

it's a bit early in the year.

Oh well.

Southern Calipornia's BLACKHAWK DOWN.

Wonder if the 'real' Blackhawk is gonna be scorched?,+CA&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiyyNmAyZHNAhUDzWMKHb07BdoQsAQIOw&biw=1342&bih=670&dpr=1.25

Pretty elitist cesspool.

Ain't ever been there, ain't ever goin'.  They'd run me outta town, anyway.  Kinda nice that all I have to do to look at the purty architecture is key it in on google.  Don't have to spend a fortune on gas, not to mention we have a restaurant down the hill that probably blows doors on everything they have in Blackhawk.