Sunday, June 26, 2016

Personal Rant

All u.s. stock futures ready to plummit.  Down four percent plus.  Oil is frozen as I look at it, but the entropy of what is, is set to go into full force.  Mr. Apocalypse is riding hard and fast, and his horse never tires.

I am waiting for a specific day.  I'm not gonna post what it is, but it is a day I hit the crossroads. Provided our resources last that long.  Well, a year ago, we thought we'd already be dead by now. We're not, or I wouldn't by typing this.

Gotta go to work tonight.  It's gonna be faster.  My boss got me a new mop that doesn't fall apart. Good, because I don't have to stoop down so much, which hurts sometimes.  My knees ain't what they used to be.  I could fix everything, but I just don't care.  My athletic days are over, and there's no pragmatic reason to bring them back; so why torture myself?  I don't think it's fun to be a jock any more, and if I tried doing the things I used to do today, I'd get arrested if caught.  (Heh-heh-heh)

The days of all that is are royally numbered.  Less than a year fer shure if my sources are right, and probably less than six months.

Works for me, not having anything vested in this disgusting cess pit of a realm.  Again, I'm already dead; waiting for the body, which is only going through the motions; to catch up.

I'm also enjoying this to the hilt.  The worst of the worst is going to get a taste of what they've been dishing out big time, from the top down to the grovelling minion psychopathic mercenaries that make everyone's life miserable for their paychecks.  Know who I'm talkin' about?!



What's a year?

What's 70 days?

What's 3 1/2 weeks?

Forever, if you're waiting.

Hey, Ginger!  Did you have a lysdexic moment when you answered one of my questions?  Sure seems that way.  I forgive you, but don't let it happen again.


It is said our worst enemies on this side of The Veil are our best friends on the Otherside.  Well, they did help me not make some really stupid mistakes.  I ought to work on getting rid of my hate whilst I'm still here, huh?   On the other hand, I'm having so much fun with it.

Naaaaaah.  I'll wait.  Hey!  Just went to Soundclick.  Mama Was A Psycho Bitch From Hell is still in the top 10% after all these years!

Of course the accent if fake.  It got adopted after a few months in N.C..  Every once in a while when I was there, it became real.  'Twas unconscious, and it drove me nuts.  I love the Southern accents when I was a wee food product, but now I can't stand them.  Gods, I'm glad I didn't stay in that state, not that calipornia is much better.  Actually, in a lot of ways calipornia is worse.  MUCH worse.  By the way, in reality calipornia is just as racist and any Dixie state.  It's just they're more honest about it in the South.  We have just as many 'shoot first, ask questions later; IF they're still alive' of the gerbil shooters plastering people of different colour as any other state.  Then again, colour is mattering less day by day as more honky gringo crackers stand up for themselves. . .until that day that no one can ignore arrives.