Friday, June 3, 2016


Hottest day of the year.

Stock market still hasn't crashed, neither has oil, WW II is still waiting for its Gavrilo Princip moment, the alleged earthquake still hasn't happened, I'm medium well done and absolutely miserable, but at least France is revolting.  I'm under the impression so is Brazil.  Daesh is getting pounded by Russia.

Daesh is a losing battle.  Why join?  It's not a Muslim thing.  It's a mercenary psychopath thing which is there to primarily destabilise the Middle East even more than the west has done.  Saladin  (An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub) would have had them all killed if he could have.  And Saladin was a REAL Muslim.

Wait a minute!  Daesh is a Western/Israeli creation.

Never mind.

Sure.  All yous idiots go ahead and join.  That way the planet will be rid of a ton of moronic liabilities and cancers of society by 2018.  May you reincarnate as Dalit chicks in 1970.  Get some back of what you dished out.

Gods, the collective human race is so stupid that it makes my head spin.  Kinda like the axis shift that makes the shadows so different and has the sun setting further north than where it did a few years back when it set over the apartment behind us.  That ain't in the news.