Thursday, May 5, 2016


First week of June, Eastern Russia, and Pacific NW, and Gulf of Mexico big quake.  Last week of August, too.  Then 'Sophia's Correction' as John Lash calls it, is supposed to hit full force in September, and last for about nine months.

If I'm not taken out in the next 14 months the wrong side of history may end up having some issues with me, and there might not be a Hell of a lot they can do about it.  (Though I must admit I hope I will be taken out.  I mean, no matter what happens to this place; it's still a place of limitations that I am sick to death of.  There's some old buddies on the Otherside that I can't wait to see again.   HEAR ME, SABLE?!  Not to mention one of the coolest architects that ever was, along with his milieu.)