Sunday, March 8, 2015

Some Times It Takes A Tragedy To Wake Someone Up

It's happened a few times with me, but it's somewhat bothersome when it takes the disabling of an innocent.  And to consider lives are pre-planned.  Major events, anyway.   To have someone love you sooooo much. . .even when you took them for granted most of the time. . .to sacrifice so much of themselves to wake you up just a little bit more.

Well, Robert. . .we don't have much time left down here.  Nothing is forever.  It's you and the rest of us for eternity when we get to where we're goin'!  Thank you for reminding me what's important, and what is not.

But I also understand in the cosmic scheme of things, it was meant to be.  And eventually, it won't matter.

Is eventually less than 4 1/2 months?  Sure looks like it.

Sophia. . .please. . .

I wait. . .


Indeed it was the best of times and the worst of times.  All in all, it's been a statistically good run.  Got a lot accomplished despite taking the path of least resistance in all the wrong circumstances, and vice versa.  A case of selective intelligence, and common sense not showing up at critical times.  Also, not standing up for myself or for what's right when I really should have.  So many mistakes were made.

Is this another 'shift' day?  Me thinks so.