Thursday, March 12, 2015

Personal Rant

Sometimes I'm intractable.  No, more than sometimes.  And then circumstances slap me upside so hard, I have to relent.  I have to accept things I would ordinarily not accept.  Reality  has just hit me with a two-by-four, and showed how vulnerable I really am.  Damn my feckin' ego, that cause others to pay such a high price sometimes.  I am often dumber than a vacuum mine self.

But sometimes I get rescued.  In fact, I've always been rescued from my own stupidity and more.  Including now.

Thank you, all involved. . .whether you end up reading this or not.  And I see something else that may be on the horizon. . .and I wonder if it's real.

Ye gods, I almost wanna cry. . .in a good way.