Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The State Of The u.s. Population


Is nothing to be proud of.  I also think this article is quite humourous in an ironic sort of way.  Serves the nation right!

Also, me thinks our government officials and so called world leaders ain't reptoids.  Me thinks they're reptoid fodder who will be destroyed last after they destroy everyone else.  I read that somewhere.

Would YOU keep traitorous scum like our so called world leaders in YOUR employ?  Something that doesn't have a millionth of a nanogramme of honour?  They're probably considered the caviar of the upcoming reptoid feast. . .if destiny was to work that way.

But it won't.  Not to say those working for the wrong side of history are gonna get off easy.

And also, remember!  It's not whether you live or die.  It's what you did with your life when you were here.  Did you leave the world a better place, or did you make a bigger mess for someone else to clean up?  Did you help the evolution of Source which you are a part of, be it good or bad; or did you take a few steps backward?  Were you the oil that makes the machine run smooth, or the ratchet in the wheel?