Wednesday, February 18, 2015

“Make Arrests, Issue Tickets Or Get Fired” Missouri Caged Gerbil Shooter Caught In Disgusting Quota Scheme

Aren't all caged gerbil shooter departments like that?  And who needs 'em?  After the 'caged gergbil shooter' slowdown in NYC, there were no homicides in 12 days.  Maybe we'd function better without the government extortion racket messing with everybody?  I mean, that's their main function.  Along with keeping the sheeple in line with the wants of the so called ruling elite.

Gods, it would be sooooo easy to topple that so called elite with boycotts and just not feeding the system, but the collective is so stupid it'll never happen.

Oh well,  At least mcdouchbaggles profits are down, so some are waking up.  Wish that would happen faster, and to a greater degree.