Monday, October 13, 2014

Personal Rant

How many times was I on the verge of drowning before I got rescued?  How many times have I been just above Ground Zero?  How much do I know that I refuse to use?  How dare I leave what I came to do in a sloppy 'unfinished' state?

And did I get a message from a 'ghost' that was kind enough to visit my dreams a few times?

Gods, you were beautiful; Sean.  You and David!  What astunning pair you were!  I liked your way of life better, though.  My favourite Terran fruit who never played the game!  I kind of knew that before it was affirmed.  How cool was that?  See ya soon maybe one more time, and THANKS FOR REINTRODUCING ME TO MY DESTINY, though in a rather unconventional, somewhat harsh way.