Monday, February 25, 2013

How To Defeat The System - Taking Down The Bankers, GMO Companies, Corrupt Politicians And Mainstream Media

So, if ya even watch the video, are ya gonna do it, or will it be a case of 'garbage in, garbage out'?

Oh, why do I bother?!

Or read and do what is posted:  Anon
September 3, 2012 at 1:55 pm

Well, I don't buy 'american' (u.s.), but hey!  German, Swiss, and Belgiumese chocolate is better, all right?  Commercial u.s. chocolate sucks.  Mexican tomatoes are also better for the most part.  I buy the best of everything.  If it's garbage, why should I buy it just because it's u.s. made or grown?

I'm also not investing in metals, because for me. . .I don't have to.  I have no future.  Or if I  do, I won't need the metals.  They'll just be a liability.  I allegedly have just enough money to get from point A to point B, and that means no superfluous expenditures for things that aren't relevant to me.