Friday, April 1, 2016


I'd rather not.  But hey!  Gerbil Shooter, so. . .

Are Vietnamese shooters of caged gerbils as bad as the u.s. ones?  I dunno, and I'm not gonna take the time to find out.  Too much else to do.

Man, after writing 'NIGHT OF THE BAND SAW', coming across this was a trip.

If you want to read my story, it's here:

It's better to read the whole series if you want to know the characters, but if not. . .

Here's the link to the whole 15 volume set:

It ain't perfect, but it doesn't cost anything.  I also have no intention of fixing it, being I've spent years on it, and don't feel like working on it anymore.  Most won't catch the biggest problem of all, anyway. Those that do would be in a very rare minority.  The crap where the damn u.s. word processing software switch Commonwealth to u.s. spelling that I didn't catch, oh well.  Deal with it.  The Commonwealth readers will catch it, the u.s. won't notice or care, and I don't care if anybody does care.

The main story is entertaining, but not great writing.  The poetry is great, and so are the short stories. The pornographic end tale (Closure) is mostly the biggest WTF thing ever written, and I sometimes wonder why I even keep it anymore; on occasion.  I wrote it specifically for Eden Exiles, with the rest going to Young Offenders Media, but my former publisher killed his company after his boyfriend killed himself, so. . .

Explains why the series is technically 'incomplete'.

If you do read it and like it, spread the word.