Sunday, March 6, 2016

Too Strange For Fiction

Hmmmm.  The thing I used to be married to scuba dives.  (And hang glides, and flies light planes, and is probably a millionaire by now.  Wonder if he's still got his gorgeous Chinese girlfriend, or if she dumped him?  I like my present, po' delicate musician better.  My soul mate, ya know?  Gods, I have been slapped upside with the 'money ain't everything', real hard.  I was never a total materialist in action, though I did dream about having a Victorian house, lots of land, Puritan style furniture. . .

Like HELL I'd go into debt over any of those stupid dreams, though.)

I don't really hate the thing I used to be married to.  I was wrong in going after him being I went after him because he reminded me of someone else, and that NEVER WORKS!  But hey!  I learned how NOT to relate to a person.  So it's all good and we did have some fun in the past.