I absolutely HATE waiting, being inconvenienced, being annoyed, having my personal sovereignty compromised, injustice, exploitation, not having 100% of my time discretionary, driving, uncooked crotch droppings, but that's what life is all about. And I asked for it. Thank you, ego. Next time I run into you, I'm gonna have a flame thrower pointing at you, and I'M GONNA TURN IT ON!
But some things in the news are a'goin' right. Mr. Apocalypse is riding hard and fast, and several of the world's biggest POS cuntries have effectively committed suicide. It's just gonna take a while for them to die, since they took a 'slow poison'. I live in one of them, by the way.
I'm gonna like watchin' this.
And it's raining. I'm lovin' that!