Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Personal Rant


Yule, 2017:  660 days, inclusive.
Maybon, 2016:  206 days, inclusive.
Beltane, 2016:  61 days, inclusive.

WHAT AM I WAITING FOR???????!!!!!!!

Things are so WEIRD  right now.  So many promises, but will even one of them pan out?  Still walkin' that fence between the mythical Hell and Heaven.

Gods, when will I find out?

In the mean time, I can live for revenge against some of the worst of the worst.  Don't think I'll say what that is, though!  Heh-heh-heh.  Especially since I've been given the tools to do it legally, and I'm returning a big favour to an individual who helped save my arse in doing it.

Too bad one of my sources 'retired'.   If he has a 'real' reason for quitting his research and better than average predictions, then we have less than seven months before everything is unrecognisable.   And less than twenty-two months for alleged planetary slum clearance.  That ought to be a real blast.  But will I survive the next two months?  DAMN IT, I AM SO SICK OF ARCANE, ESOTERIC RIDDLES AND SIGNS THAT I CAN DO NOTHING BUT SPECULATE ON!!!!