Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Another Look At Factory Farmed Chickens

Shredded or not, the males are the lucky ones.

If I had chickens, I wouldn't kill the males.  They would just be encouraged to go 'feral'.  They'd be marginally subsidised, and their feathers would be used for art and accessories during molting season.  I used to make hair ties, wall decorations, belt loop drapings, etc. . .  My stuff was pretty impressive and beautiful.  I used duck feathers, goose feathers, and if I found a hawk feather, that would specifically go tto someone with First Nations blood.  I gave them all away, though one I asked the lady to make a donation of choice to a First Nations charity.  She sent 'em five bucks.

For the umpteenth time, I'm glad I no longer eat chickens.  Though I can't say I've given eggs up, I haven't bought any since the chicken flu started.  Despite never formerly declaring I'll never buy another egg, it might go that way.  On the other hand, I know some people with backyard chickens three blocks away, and I could ask if I could buy theirs next time I see one of them; but I probably won't.