Sunday, March 16, 2014


The country is toast!  Dead!  Nonviable!  I speak for the people but NOT THE WORTHLESS SHITE PILE GUBMENT, but I wonder if the peoples have evolved as far as they can, and no longer need this place?  They have such a different mindset from the Western world, that the two will never meet, but they also have some things sooooo RIGHT, despite the fact that there are some problems, but what culture is completely fair and problem free?  Well, there were some, but aren't they all dead, DESTROYED BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T NEED THIS SLIME PIT OF A REALM ANYMORE, HENCE REMOVED BY THE COSMOS, though not in a very gentle way.

Also, Japanese chicks must be the most feline critters in the world.  Blacks move like cats, but I think the Japanese chicks have a very feline mentality, and they're more likely to move like cats than honky-gringo-crackers. . .unless the honky-gringo cracker is a ballet student.