Sunday, March 23, 2014

Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)--For The Metaphysically And Philosophically Inclined

Key him in, and check out what you like.  This dude is BEAUTIFUL in every sense of the word.  Nice accent, too.

Here's a start:

This is on manifesting, and reviews stuff I've known about forever due to my 'occult' studies; but it was a pleasure to listen to.

His name is Ralph Smart, he's English, and he's BRILLIANT!  Surname is appropriate.   His IQ goes off the Richter scale, as we say around here; though that's not a technically correct statement as far as pertaining to reality, it gets the point across.

All about him with links to what he did:

NOT his past, but he's another Teal Swan in black dude; as far as what he does, almost.