Saturday, December 7, 2013

RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New “Obamacare” Plan

Well, blow me!  (Remember, I have a greater mental connexion with across the pond than ya bleemin' yanks, as far as the u.s. goes.  I may have lived here for most of my life, but not so with one of the ones I live for. . .who is usually not here, but hey.)  That'll make it easy to kill you after you've either served your purpose, or decided you want to be able to sleep with yourself at night.

And what about military personnel in the near future?

I'm gonna sit this one out. . .BECAUSE I CAN!  So can anyone else if they DARE to get out of their stupid comfort zone and acquire the right knowledge.  I've got enough links up on this blog about it already.  All those dealing with metaphysics, basically.