Thursday, March 1, 2012

How Much Of Our Lives And Routines Are Programmed Behaviour?

And how much would we not do, or not buy if we had been left to ourselves? And a lot of the things we do are not in our better interest, health wise, resource wise, or time wise. Think about it.

Not that it's gonna make any difference, huh?

Oh, and of course things that should have been taught, wasn't.

Go figure.

Examples?  How does being a high maintenance bitch help you?

Why don't you recognise the dinner on your plate was once a sentient being, whether or not you are a carnivour?  Plants are alive, and they respond to good care and attention.  They like it when you talk to them, and appreciate them.  And why isn't everyone taught it's not nice to impose or try and impose your will on another?

But that's what programming is all about, isn't it?!