Sunday, March 24, 2013

America’s Cyprus Crisis: All U.S. Banks To Go FULL BLOWN BIOMETRIC WITHIN 3 WEEKS??????

So, they're gonna what?  Fingerprint everyone?  I had to do that at one institution a long time ago.  I don't go there anymore.  In fact, I don't think it exists anymore.  It was a security feature.  Well, what ever.  It's the rest of the article not dealing with biometrics that had me post this.

Is everyone gonna ignore the information and get screwed, or what?  And screwed they will get for willful ignorance, with a splintery ungreased telephone pole, and it will serve them right as far as I'm concerned.

I'm with a very good credit union, and I wonder how what happens to banks correlates with credit unions.  They are not the same animal, but still. . .