Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Yet I dare not.  Some things are better left unknown to the hoi polloi, and those worthless, bottom feeding parasites who consider themselves above. 

So I'll just leave it at a NEENER-NEENER.

From a Cathar aligned perspective.  I can't call myself Cathar, because Cathars are supposed to by nice and I'm an arsehole.  They're also supposed to be vegan, and I'm just a vegetarian who still does eggs and dairy, though my eggs are from humanely raised chickens only, very rarely due to cost.  Dairy, I'm bad.  I get my cheese for whatever is on sale at Grocery Outlet, my cream and butter from Trader Joe's, which allegedly gets their dairy from smaller farms, and everything else dairy from Grocery Outlet.  Not good, but I'm too much of a hedonist to go vegan.  I'd also probably lose my spare tire, and then what do I joke about?

Considering where I work, I also end up with a teensy bit of meat in the food.  It does get 'contaminated', but I doubt I get a pound of meat a year.  I don't freak, since I'm a veg for political reasons, mostly.  I don't want to support the cruel industry.  However, reading what I read; and doing the research that I do, I find there's tons of other reasons to go veg.  Like the toxic crap that's in most meat.  The factory farmed is the absolute worst.  I've posted enough on that on this blog already.  The arsenic in chicken because it makes 'em grow faster, and all?