Monday, April 8, 2019


And I'm a feminist.  But to me all feminism is is a right to personal sovereignty, regardless of gender.  That is IT!  I'm not one of those idiots who wants to lower standards so a weaker chick can do it.

And what he said about chick athletes having more testosterone, it's true.  Get your fat percentage down by running and working out, and you become chemically less chicky.  I know.  I've been there.  After working out for a while, I did get the strength/weight ratio of a fit sausage casing.  Of course that doesn't always help in a fight when you're 5 foot 6 and weigh 112 pounds with no combat training against someone 6 feet tall and 180 pounds, but I could do some pretty statistically impressive shoite in the warehouse at the time.  I was the fastest stocker in the building, though I did get a later manager to threaten to write me up I continued some of my antics. . .which I did continue after making sure he wasn't in sight.

I was incorrigible.  I was also a risk taker to the nth degree in the daredevil respect.  Considering some of the crap I've done, it's a miracle that I survived this long.

Of course, I am no longer 5'6" and 112 lbs.  I am now 5'3 1/2" and 140 lbs., but we do shrink, and I have different priorities now where being a fitness buff is not on the agenda.  I'm living a virtual life, sitting on my butt all day unless I'm at work; which is the only excersise I am now getting. . .and that's the way I want it.