Thursday, September 6, 2018

Personal Rant

Best year ever, weather wise.  At the weather station, the hottest it's been is 93° F, and there were only 24 days hotter than 79°.  Of course, the weather station is right next to the water and it's hotter where we live, but it's still been the coolest summer since I've been keeping track.  This is the first time September doesn't seem to be the most brutal month of the year, from what I remember.  The forecasts have been HELL, but the reality hasn't matched up to the forecasts.  I just hope they're right about the rain in the last week of the month.  My castors aren't looking too good, and losing them would mess us up from loss of shade.  That western sun is a mofo.

We are also defying reality in so many ways, but I'm not stupid enough to post how.  But I will say the price is high, and it sucks; but hey!  The alternatives are worse.

I feel like something is gonna blow up or something real soon as far as 'THE CHANGE' goes, but I dunno.  It's just a feeling, and I'm more often wrong than right.  Still, on occasion. . .  I'll have to ask my flat mate if 'it' feels the same.  Or does it only pertain to my personal space?

Well, what ever.  Seems like life gets more interesting day by day.