Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Personal Rant Which You Can Ignore

15 months?
10 months?
9 months?
3 months?
1.5 months?

Which is it?

How long before TSHTF here?

Why do things have to move so damn slow?

Why did I just have another rug pulled out from under me?  Why am I home today?  Why did I get a flash about an e-mail we never got?

Signs, coincidences, highs and let-downs.  Ah, life is a rollercoaster.  'Tis the realm of perpetual inconvenience.  Will I be able to get the e-mail of one who knows what we do, and feels the same way about so much?

Well, if not now; then next month.

Disaster strikes the south of the u.s..  Aren't oil pipelines across the land, great?

And oil prices are up everywhere because of it?  Or is there another reason?