Monday, August 1, 2016

Personal Rant

Racing toward THE ABYSS again.  My, how things change.  My, how fast things change.  Calipornia is burning up, the REAL Ahau Kankin is allegedly a month and a day away, China is getting slammed with flooding due to geo-engineering, Phoenix, AZ is probably glowing in the dark from Geiger counter cpm by now, the East Coast is getting plastered with heavy rains, and this has got to be the absolute worst Lughnasadh I have ever experienced in my life as a 'non-food product'.  Or maybe as a sojourner in this realm in my current stream of consciousness, period.

On the other hand, I'm not working today, so maybe it's not so bad.

Oh well.  Things can change again.

After all, circumstances are so reliably unreliable and fluxatious these days; huh?

By the way, how's Hanford and WIPP?