Monday, June 2, 2014

Personal Rant---A Time And A Place For Everything

So many stages I went through.
Such a past I have that would have astounded me when I was younger if someone else had done it.
In truth none of it matters.
It was all taken for granted when it happened, anyway.
I was too young and stupid to appreciate any of it when it happened.
Now I don't appreciate it because it no longer is.
It's all in memory hole.
Now I'm at Gound Zero in my own right.

But something happened somewhere between 5/23/14 and 6/2/14.
I wasn't alerted to the start time until yesterday.
A shift.
A snowballing, and I AIN'T TALKIN' ABOUT SEX; DAMMIT!
I have to surrender to the one I couldn't stand when I first him saw due to 'reverse programming'.
Not that it took me that long to wake up to a good thing.
But then it was too late for anything I was familiar with.
Now I have to deal with the unfamiliar.
Sink or swim.
Trial by fire.
I'll find out within roughly the next 6 1/2 months if I'm 'employed'.

Got a message.
Keep on keepin' on.
No return address.
I wish. . .

I also have a question.  Can the destiny I saw in my Akashic Records be defied?  For what I wanted then is NOT what I want now.