Monday, November 18, 2013


Does anyone even go there?  I put stuff on it, I was reading some of the posts for a while, my page is HUGE, there is a lot of relevant shite oot thar, but it is so random, and I don't really wanna talk to anyone, so I haven't been there in forever.  I guess it's one way for the nsa, cia, whatever other alphabet soup agency to waste their time, 'cause they sure ain't gonna wake up.  And how many of them in soup agencies are 'in the club', or are gonna be left behind?  They proved the fact they're untrustworthy mercenary bastards by working for who they work for and doing what they do.  Those who they do work for probably want them dead after they are no longer useful in the function they are now so those who hire them won't be 'caligulad'.  Or is that 'caligulaed'?