Saturday, June 29, 2024



I so wanna send you not only this, but my (our) SNOT CD.  Got a song about ya on it, and it's and underground hit.  No money in it, but boy it was fun to write it and lay it down.


Congratulations if you get one. You have become a parasitic 'pet'. (There's another word for that.) You are conditionally owned. Say goodbye to personal sovereignty. Act right, or you will be taken to the pound and traded in for another.

And much of the world's population is programmed to dream of that life situation. Is it worth it from a Cosmic Perspective? The vile thing I used to get here was/is like that. It took three tries to find the perfect 'host'. The quim's a great actress under the right circumstances.

Orkin or Teminix doesn't deal with these, however."


But hey.  You live in the 28327 zip code.  That's revenge enough.  Hope you had fun when someone blew out the transformers in Moore County a few years ago.  I was laughin' my arse off.

You'll never read this considering you don't do internet, not to mention my blog is shadow banned; but hey.  It gets sumthin' off my chest ya feckin' twat.

I hope I leave here before you do.  Heh-heh-heh.   Oh, and I mentioned you in my book series, too.  A few of the short stories were inspired by you and  your disgusting second 'host'.