Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 After all, I'm on a few political forums, and one gets hundreds, and some times over a thousand views, depending on what I  post.  Well, I hardly bother now.  I only post Les Visible, and Levi, for the most part.  Sometimes personal notes that don't have anything to do with the all the organ harvesting in China.

I also use other things than google for REAL information.  Yandex, FreeSpoke. . .

Heh-heh-heh.  All that is wrong with the world is in the process of being destroyed.  In killing economies and people, the governments are killing themselves.  Debt based economies have a shelf life anyway, so. . .   And as for all the parasitic bottom feeders who are invading the allegedly rich cuntries that are actually in debt up to their ears, along with the banking system. . .you are  going to regret that move before the year is out, and the consequences of your intentions and actions are gonna bite you in the arse harder than a pissed off zebra.

The time grows near, and I'M GONNA BE IN THE CHEERING SQUAD!

Of course, those who need to see this won't, not that they are even capable of reading.