Friday, June 19, 2020


Numbers, pathways, gates, time, obsession.  GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!

Right now.  Best days of my life so far for a few months.  How long will it last?  Will it last until the transition from the most wonderful time in Hell to Paradise?  That's how my stories were.  The best always comes at the end.  And the end is near.  I'm fading away.

Will there be a knock on the door?  Will I float away?  Will the earth crumble under my feet?  Will I have my heart torn out by an Aztec priest?  Will I be burnt at the stake again?  In analogy, I hope; for that last option.

I'm ECSTATIC at this moment.  Eve of the  Summer Solstice.  I was told this would be my last one.  Will that be the truth?  If so, good!   I HATE, LOATHE, DETEST the summer.  Worst day of the year in a few hours.  Litha.  Yule is my favourite day.  The longest night.  Still, I celebrate the morrow, for the nights lengthen again.

Strange thing for me to write, huh?  Well, it's a stream of consciousness post.  I do those some times.