Thursday, January 31, 2019


The video us gone, but I really wish they posted a link to this petition!

Then there's this:

Hey!  Didn't they feed 'em to the gods in Carthage until age four?  No biggie.

I do say "I love children, depending on how they're cooked.", so me thinks I'm in the right head space.

Hmmmmmm.  There is more meat on 'em when they're five, so. . .

Now realistically, why don't you call Planned Parenthood and have them find you a doctor to get you fixed.  They got me fixed at 19, and I am eternally grateful to them for that.  I don't give a flyin' feck what they do with baby parts.  After all, parts is parts; and if the damn thing is dead, why care what happens with the leftovers?  That's how livestock animals are treated, so hey!  In the Cosmic Scheme of things we're all equal.  All parts of the same Source, so why treat people any different?  Or why pretend we treat people any different, since in reality people do treat each other like shoite in a lot of ways.  Ifn ya don't believe me, READ THE FECKIN' NEWS!   LOOK WHAT GUBMENTS DO TO THEIR PEOPLE!  IT'S CALLED DEMOCIDE, AND YOU CAN GOOGLE IT!!!!!

Here's one link to getcha started:

Now where's my long piglet fajita, dammit!