Monday, July 30, 2018

Some Times. . .

Ya just wanna go 'NEENER-NEENER' soooooo bad, but you can't.  And the reason you wanna say it is on a razor's edge, and will go away if you abuse it even once.


So I'll leave it at that.  Even if it did cause my boss to call me a slimeball and e-mail my flat mate that she was gonna e-mail 'it' my nose.  (Hey!  We both belong to the Holey Order of the Septum, thereby disavowing we have a gender.  We do, according to the cult; identify with The Nose.  In English, noses have no gender.  In some of the Latin influenced countries, all noses are considered to be chicks.  After all, it's 'LA' nariz in Spanish, or 'LE' nez in French.  It's a matter of 'tude, not plumbing.) 

Hey!  Conflicting interests, OKaaaaaaay?