Thursday, August 22, 2013

Innundated! Go To My Sources

Especially, wrh!


Of course, go to the rest; too.  If ya can't remember, key in 'My Sources' in the wee white box up in the upper left nest to the orange B, and one of the links in whatever comes up ought to take you to the list.

I'm cleanin' my part o' the flat today, and makin' a killer 'fall off all' salad after sans food processor since we don't have one, and do you have a clue how long it takes to dice all those veggies by hand?  I mean, with a knife; that is.  And my salads are uber complicated, since how many throw in olives?  (I throw in the standard cukes, though the English variety, roma tomatoes, sweet onions, a few arse kickin' purple shallots, tons of garlic, Kalmata black olives, sweet red and/or orange and/or yellow baby bell peppers that aren't even old enough to have graduated high school, garlic stuffed green 'Pampas' garlic, cilantro, unfiltered real virgin olive oil when I can get it.  Wonderin' if I should throw in capers into this weeks salad?  Ayuh, sure.  Serve on top of butter lettuce (the only kind I buy anymore), and top with avocado slices.  Oh yeah.  In the salad mixture, tons of garlic powder, some black pepper, and seasoning WithOut Papers.  That would be Italian.  Or better yet, Trader Joe's 21 season salute instead of the seasoning WithOut Papers.  But either one will do.  Some don't have a TJ's in the hood, so. . .

It's a bitch, but bein' kept, I really do try to earn my keep.  After all, in the past I was the keeper; and my flat mate was the knave, and that one then used to cook when we didn't eat out, and it did more housework, so hey.  We have no issues with doing this or that or roles.  Whoever is more convenient to do this or that does this or that.